From regional guesswork to local forecast precision

Discover how we’re setting a new standard in local weather forecasting by delivering highly accurate, location-specific data you can rely on to make more informed decisions.

Fields of green cereals in the summer, local forecast promises short periods of rain, hyperlocal weather

Do you trust weather forecasts?

We all know the disappointing feeling of looking at a weather forecast which says one thing and seeing something completely different out the window. This is because most forecasts predict the weather over large scale areas, purposefully leaving out local variations. 

But as a farmer, you need to know those local differences in order to make informed decisions. And for this, you need forecasts that take into account your local topography, surface roughness and other factors impacting local weather. 

Farmer standing, disappointed at one of his fields due to a bad weather forecast
Farmer receiving hyperlocal weather data directly from his field with a Cordulus farm weather station

Why most forecasts don't meet farmer demands

Meteorology today excels at predicting large-scale weather patterns like storms, typhoons and other severe weather events days before they start developing. However, when it comes to local accuracy, most forecasts fall short.

What good is a forecast that tells you if it’s raining 20 kilometers away when you’re going spraying? Or a regional soil temperature report that does not take your local soil type into account, when you’re checking if you can sow in spring?

All your actions throughout the season depend on your local weather. This is why Cordulus forecasts are tailored to your exact location and conditions.

Forecasts for your farm

Our advanced forecasting approach considers the unique conditions of each farm. By leveraging our vast network of thousands of weather stations, we calibrate local observations with broader forecasts to deliver unmatched precision.

This is made possible using AI. We have created the world’s first and most accurate farming forecast. Using this service, farmers access tailored forecasts that are 50% more accurate than any other. Finally, you can regain your trust in weather forecasts!

Want to know how our AI technology works?

Local weather rain downpour over a specific geographic area
CLAAS combine harvester working in a harvest ready field, enjoying local weather forecasts to act with certainty

What local forecasts mean for you

Cordulus empowers farmers with hyperlocal forecasts tailored to their conditions, enabling precise planning for key agricultural activities. Optimize sowing, spraying, irrigation and harvesting to maximize productivity and yield.

Simply speaking, Cordulus farmers are able to accurately and most effectively plan their day - day after day. 

Thomas Schröder
German farmer
"The weather has always played a major role in my work. Even for grass and hay harvesting, you need a stable weather situation, so an accurate forecast is definitely very important for my work."

Want to try it out for yourself?

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