Enhancing weather forecasts with AI

The climate is experiencing more rapid and extreme weather changes, making our local weather forecasts vital for farmers’ work and yields.

Diagram showing the relation between historical measurements, AI-machine learning, and relevant and local weather forecasts
Agricultural weather Cordulus Farm weather station on a green field

AI weather prediction

The model combines local weather data from your field and AI, which enables you to make better decisions in your daily field work.

Real-time data analysis

The model analyzes over 1900 real-time data points for each weather station.

Tracks local weather

Keeps track of the rain, temperature, humidity, and wind measurements in your local area.

Historical data analysis

It considers over 730 million historical weather data points.

Weather trend and pattern identification

When analyzing historical data, the model can effectively detect recurring trends.

Minute-by-minute updates

Forecasts are constantly updated to maintain their accuracy.

Outperforms traditional weather forecasts

Our forecast model outperforms the traditional weather forecasts with 48% accuracy.

The limitations of traditional forecasts

Traditional weather forecasts is often based on large, high-level models and can, therefore, be limited in their usefulness for farmers.

These models, which are calculated from complex mathematical models, are typically updated only once an hour. This means that forecasts are often outdated by the time they reach the farmer.

Besides, traditional weather forecasts focus on larger areas and can not predict the sudden, localized weather changes that are so crucial for field work. 

For example, a traditional forecast can tell you that there will be rain in an area, but not whether there will be a heavy shower right over your field, which could have major implications for your harvesting or spraying.

High altitude top-down view of farm fields during the growing season
Field of canola with dark-grey clouds and some clear skies overhead.

Weather data and AI is the key

Traditional weather forecasting often assumes that the weather will be consistent over larger areas and that significant changes won't occur within short periods.

But for farmers, where accurate and up-to-date weather data is essential to optimize field operations and minimize the risk of crop damage, the limitations of traditional weather forecasts are a significant challenge.

By integrating AI with real-time weather data, our forecasts dynamically adjust to rapidly changing conditions. Unlike traditional forecasts, our system is deeply rooted in local weather patterns, ensuring unparalleled accuracy for your specific location.

Accurate farming weather predictions

As a farmer, we know that you need accurate and up-to-date weather information to plan your work as efficiently as possible.

An outdated or generalized forecast can lead to inconvenient decisions that can cost both time and money.

That's why our model has learned to predict the farming weather by studying thousands of past weather conditions, spotting sudden changes in the weather. Using AI, we have developed a model trained on an extensive dataset of historical weather data.

Rainy day on a field with straws of wheat and wild flowers
Bird's view of a countryside with several Cordulus farm weather stations measuring local weather data

Our way of predicting weather

The way we predict the weather is pretty straightforward: We combine weather data and AI for more accurate and detailed weather forecasts.

We utilize a vast dataset of real-time and historical weather data to deliver unparalleled accuracy in predicting local conditions.

By analyzing over 1900 data points from the past 5 days for each of our 4000 weather stations across Europe, our AI model identifies subtle patterns and correlations that traditional forecasts often miss.

Our localized approach ensures that you receive weather information tailored to your specific location, unlike generic forecasts that may not accurately reflect your local conditions.

Experience the difference

Don't let outdated weather forecasts catch you off guard. Try our free 14-day demo and experience what local weather forecasts can mean for your everyday work.

Connect to five Cordulus weather stations in your area and enjoy the benefits of:

Stay informed with real-time weather updates.
Get weather information tailored to your specific area.
Experience the difference for yourself without commitment.
Local farm weather forecast in the Cordulus Farm app