Privacy Policy

1. Privacy Policy

In accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Cordulus strives to clarify the activities relating to the registration, storing and use of the Customer’s personal data and the purpose thereof.

Personal data includes any and all information related to an identified and identifiable natural individual. Examples of such information are email addresses, social security numbers, private contact information, civil statuses, IP addresses and portrait photos.

Publicly available information such as company name, registration numbers, main telephone numbers and direct business telephone numbers to employees are not considered personal data.

2. Collection of Data

Cordulus only collects information about the Customer when:

The Customer signs up on the Cordulus website in connection with the registration of an account or by indicating interest in further information and contact;

The Customer makes telephone or written contact to Cordulus in connection with sales and customer support as well as other inquiries where the Customer’s contact with Cordulus must be documented to ensure that the correct services are provided to the Customer;

Cordulus receives telephone or written inquiries by the Customer;

The Customer is invoiced for the products purchased by the Customer;

The Customer registers new details or makes changes to the account details on the Customer’s subscription in the Application.

In the above instances, Cordulus will record the following information about the Customer, if disclosed:

  • Name and surname;
  • Phone number;
  • Email address;
  • Billing address;
  • VAT/company registration numbers;
  • Telephonic (though not audio recordings) and written correspondence between Cordulus and the Customer;
  • Date, time and duration of telephone correspondence between Cordulus and the Customer.

In addition, Cordulus will record the following information about the Customer that is specific to the Customer’s use of the Application, if disclosed:

  • Geographical locations and land areas;
  • Uploaded files containing geographic (GIS) information about the Customer’s business and land areas;
  • Naming of land areas, farms, weather stations and variable-rate application maps;
  • Geographical locations on notes and markings;
  • Free text content on notes.

3. Storage and Protection of Data

All collected information that relates in one way or another to the Customer is protected by encryption and passwords in Cordulus’ own internal systems and in third party systems where necessary, for instance, in external bookkeeping systems and CRM.

The data required for Cordulus’ operations and general business, exclusively including business information used for billing and contact between Cordulus and the Customer, will be available to Cordulus’ external accountant according to the need-to-know principle. For example, Cordulus may share the Customer’s company information with Cordulus’ affiliated accountant in the event of non-payment, overdue payments, and similar situations.

If the Customer wishes to terminate his/her subscriptions with Cordulus, the above-mentioned collected data relating to the Customer will be stored in anonymised form. . If the Customer wishes that this data will still not be used by Cordulus in anonymised form, the Customer has the right to have the personal data that Cordulus has collected about the Customer deleted. However, Cordulus reserves the right to continue to store and use the data that is not considered personal data, such as company information and data specific to the Application.

4. Use of Data

As a general rule, Cordulus does not apply and disseminate the Customer’s personal data.

Cordulus only uses personal data for activities related to operations and administration, including invoicing, bookkeeping and general customer contact. When entering into a purchase agreement between Cordulus and the Customer, the Customer must give his consent for Cordulus to contact the Customer in connection with the dissemination of system update messages, training material and marketing material. The Customer can opt out of Cordulus being allowed to contact. The Customer may also withdraw his consent at any time.

Cordulus uses other data specific to the Application (such as data from satellites and weather stations) associated with the Customer’s account with the intent to further develop and optimize the Application. This data is not considered personal data. The purpose of this will always be to improve the Application and the Customer’s experience. The data will specifically be used to develop new features, including artificially intelligent decision-support systems that use data that is not sensitive to the Customer’s privacy.

The Privacy Policy is version 2.0 and is valid from 01-03-2023.