September 20, 2023

4 steps to start with the Cordulus Farm app

4 steps to start with the Cordulus Farm app

In this article, you will learn how to navigate the app, where to find all the relevant information for you, discover the customizability options and all the resources you need to become a super user in no time!

1. Getting started with local farm weather

Once you’ve logged in, you’ll be greeted by the home screen. This is where you will have an overview of your connected weather stations as well as the option to dive into several guides, add new weather stations and connect to Cordulus network stations. 

In the top left corner of the screen, there are three bars that, when you click on them, open up a navigation screen where you can access your account settings, guides, settings, and reach the in-app support function.

Click on settings and you will find several customisability features such as:

  • Visual theme
  • Font size
  • Language
  • And measurement units

When you’ve selected your preferred settings, click the cross to go back and then click on the right side of the screen to come back to the home screen. 

If you’re just getting started with your own weather station or want to connect to network stations, click on the three dots in the top right corner, and a menu will appear where you can find the options you’re looking for, just follow the instructions and you should be good to go. 

If you’re using a demo account, you’re already connected to select devices throughout your country.

Now you should have your preferred settings with access to the relevant weather stations and you’re ready to dive into the weather data! 

Remember that, as you’re moving along in the different sections, whenever you see a lightbulb, you can always click on the lightbulb to immediately access a guide that explains all the important details to you.

2. Finding hyperlocal weather measurements

Every weather station you’re connected to is shown on the home screen alongside the most recent weather readings directly from the field. Click on the weather station you would like to get more data from. 

In the top half of the screen, you will see the most recent readings in the grey section and an hourly forecast to the right of it. You have the option to swipe to the left for your hourly historical data and to the right for your hourly forecasts. Below this section, you’ll find daily forecasts for the upcoming 2 weeks. 

You can always come back to this screen by clicking on the ‘Forecast’ button at the bottom left. 

Besides the ability to see the historical data of the past hours in the top section you can access the entire historical data of your device in two ways: 

  • Click on ‘History’ in the navigation bar at the bottom 
  • Swipe all the way to the left of your hourly measurements and click the clock icon

As you scroll down the page, the section gives you an overview of all the different readings. And you can select historical data from the last 24 hours, 7 days, 4 weeks, 3 months, or entirely custom time intervals from the bar near the bottom. 

In the same bar, you can click on the three dots and customise what is shown and in which order it is. Click on filter and select which data you want to be shown in the overview and if you want to change the order it is shown in, click on sort and drag and drop the different weather measurements into the order you want it to be shown in on the overview page.

You can also export your historical weather data into .csv and Excel files if you wish to share it with someone who doesn’t have access to the app. 

3. Accessing field specific analyses 

In the middle of the navigation bar at the bottom of your screen you can see the ‘Analysis’ section. Click on it and you’ll see a selection of dashboards and recommendations. All of the data you see here is based on the measurements made by the weather stations. 

At the top there is the sowing weather which informs you of the best time to sow for different crop types. You can swipe through the different ones available and click on the ones relevant for you to see more in-depth data. 

The second column shows the different risk assessments of diseases and pests. As with the previous column, you can swipe through them and click on each individual to learn more about the individual threats. 

The bottom column contains a couple of different dashboards, namely:

  • The heat season dashboard
  • The spraying dashboard
  • The harvest dashboard

Simply click on any of them to access them.

In the heat season, you can see how many growing degree days you’ve had throughout the season, your weekly precipitation, and soil temperatures. In case you want more information, click on the icon in the top right corner to learn more about the analysis. 

The second, and one of the most popular, dashboards is the Spraying dashboard. It uses the wind conditions, precipitation conditions, and evaporation conditions to give you an estimate of the efficiency of your spraying efforts. 

The last dashboard is the Harvest dashboard. It measures the equilibrium moisture content of your crops, using air temperature, precipitation, and evaporation data. You can select the crop type you want at the top of the dashboard and it will then provide specific data based on agronomic models. 

4. Watch the onboarding video

If you need extra help or prefer a visual presentation of the app, you can watch the onboarding video that explains everything you need to know. 

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