March 1, 2023

We are changing our name!

We are changing our name!

Starting today, our company will be called Cordulus. 

Our company has developed significantly over the years. We have gone from offering FieldSense weather stations to farmers to providing different weather solutions to various other industries. However, as the FieldSense name had become synonymous with our weather station for farming, we needed to change our name and rethink our company structure.

Why Cordulus?

We have chosen to rename our company after the Danish meteorologist and founder of the Danish Meteorological Institute, Niels Henrik Cordulus Hoffmeyer, who lived in the mid-1900s. Niels Henrik Cordulus saw the potential in finding new ways to collect and enrich weather data and share these observations with others. We wish to continue in these footsteps by finding new ways of collecting weather data and making it widely available and actionable, creating value across industries.

Our new product structure

Although our weather solutions remain the same, the rebranding also includes new product names. Our weather station for farming is now called Cordulus Farm Station, while our weather solutions for roads and winter maintenance is now called Cordulus Road. The Cordulus Road sub-brand includes our two road weather stations Bike and Road, which are now called Standard and Advanced, respectively.

Cordulus weather stations

A clear vision

While allowing us to embrace and logically display our current weather solutions, the name Cordulus also provides the foundation for our ambitious future. Our CEO John Smedegaard explains:

"By naming our company Cordulus, we focus on what is important to us: Exploring new and innovative ways of collecting actionable weather data for various industries. We work hard to assist our customers in making important decisions based on hyperlocal weather data. With this restructuring, we allow ourselves to offer accessible, understandable and useful weather data to all and improve industry decision-making, efficiency and profitability, while reducing climate and environmental impacts."

With this statement, John sets the direction for our company in the future. If you want to have a look at how we got to where we are today, take a look at the timeline on our Company page at

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